Manufacture More Wins with Clari

Know exactly when and where to act to increase sales and protect your customer base. Clari empowers you to manage deals, inspect relationship history, capture complete customer activity, and forecast ahead to flag risk and know where the business is going.

Photograph of a sales rep meeting with a prospective customer on the manufacturing floor

Make your sales processes efficient and predictable

Illustration of a Clari forecast status report overlapping a photograph of a manufacturing sales rep walking through a factory

+/- 3% forecast accuracy by week 3 of the quarter

Improve your sales execution and decision-making with Clari's actionable analytics and predictive insights. With intelligent forecasting, you can eliminate spreadsheets and guesswork—giving you numbers you can finally trust.

Screenshot of a Clari AI projection forecast report overlapping a photograph of a manufacturing sales rep and customer touching a tablet

Achieve executive rigor

Clari helps you lead every aspect of your manufacturing business, with early indicators and insights into sales performance. Answer mission-critical questions in real time and shape your organization with the right data-backed initiatives.

Background image of a sales professional walking in a city
Clari reduces time spent on manual data entry by 80%

The result? Manufacturing sales reps get over 20% of their time back, so they can focus on engaging with customers and prospects.

Photograph of the front desk in the Nutanix office

Learn how Nutanix increased selling time by 15-20% with Clari

Nutanix uses Clari for AI-powered sales and forecasting—with 99% adoption.

Background image with lines and shapes for mobile device screens
Photograph of a revenue leader checking a Clari report on a mobile phone

Decrease the number of missed opportunities.