Clari Support Policy

This Support Policy shall apply to the extent Customer purchases a subscription to Clari Premier, Premier Plus, or Platinum Services, as listed on the applicable Order Form. This Support Policy is incorporated into and forms part of the Clari Master Subscription Agreement (the "Agreement"). All capitalized terms not defined in this Support Policy will have the meaning given to them in the Agreement.

The following support guidelines apply to any support services provided by Clari to Customer under the Agreement.

1. Support Request Submission

1.1 Customer Requests. Customer's Designated Support Contact may report incidents and technical errors in the Services by submitting a request to Clari (each a "Request").

1.2 Classification of Requests. Upon receiving a Request from Customer's Designated Support Contact, Clari will assign a severity level (the "Severity Level") to each Request, in its sole discretion, within the range of Severity 1, 2, 3, or 4. Any such determination made by Clari is a final classification of the reported incident. Customer may appeal any such determination to Clari's support management for review through any available support channel.

1.3. Procedures for Resolution of Requests. When making a Request, Customer will provide all necessary information and reasonable cooperation to Clari as required for Clari to provide the support services to Customer under this Support Policy, including but not limited to the following: (i) any diagnostic information; (ii) a description of the problem, the configuration, and Customer’s network; (iii) all relevant log files and data; and (iv) any requested further communications via email or telephone to answer questions and assist Clari support personnel in resolution of the incident as appropriate.

1.4. Request Acknowledgement. Clari may respond to a Request by acknowledging receipt of the Request via email. Customer acknowledges and understands that given the circumstances of each Request, Clari may be unable to provide answers or resolutions to all Requests.

2. Accessing Support

2.1. Support Response Times. Clari will provide responses to each Request in accordance with the time frames listed in the table below in this Section 2 (coverage hours listed in Section 3.1). Any corresponding updates will be provided to Customer to the extent the information becomes available to Clari Support in resolution of the incident, and then in the applicable timing described in the table below.

Severity Level & Descriptions Silver Initial Response Time Gold Initial Response Time Platinum Initial Response Time
Severity Level 1: Major malfunction in the Services resulting in complete unavailability of the Services to all End Users with no workaround available. 1 business day 2 hours (updates provided daily) 30 minutes (updates provided hourly)
Severity Level 2: Incident is not classified as Severity Level 1 and there is a serious loss of application or performance of the Services, resulting in the majority of End Users being unable to perform normal functions in the Services. 1 business day 4 hours (updates provided daily) 2 hours (updates provided 2x daily)
Severity Level 3: Incident is not classified as Severity Level 1 or 2, and there is a minor error in the Services, resulting in an intermittent problem or discrete performance issues in the Services. 1 business day 8 hours (updates provided weekly) 4 hours (updates provided daily)
Severity Level 4: Incident is not classified as Severity Level 1, 2, or 3. General questions, how-to, or minor usability issues in the Services. 1 business day 1 business day (updates provided weekly) 8 hours (updates provided weekly)

Support Offerings

3.1 Support Hours & Package Descriptions. Clari will provide the support services for Customer during the hours and at the respective package combinations listed in the table below in this Section 3.

Support Package Descriptions Silver Gold Platinum


  • Technical support coverage
  • Designated Support Contacts
  • Response Times (SLAs)
  • 16hrs/day, Monday through Friday
  • 4 contacts
  • Standard (see table above)
  • 24hrs/day, Monday through Friday
  • 8 contacts
  • Accelerated (see table above)
  • 24hrs/day, Monday through Friday; 24hrs/day, 7 days/week for Severity Level 1 issues
  • 12 contacts
  • Maximum (see table above)

Customer Success

  • Customer Success Manager
  • Executive Business Reviews
  • CSM <> Cadence calls for Clari best practices
  • Train the Trainer & Executive Enablement
  • Pooled
  • None
  • Quarterly
  • None
  • Named
  • Annually
  • Monthly
  • Named
  • Bi-Annually
  • Bi-Weekly

Professional Services

  • Sandbox + Maintenance
  • Ongoing Configuration Assistance for New Config & Larger Changes
  • Technical Account Management
  • None
  • None
  • None
  • 1 Sandbox & Annual Refresh
  • Up to 15 hrs/Quarter
  • None
  • 3 Sandboxes & Quarterly Refresh
  • Up to 50 hrs/Quarter
  • Available for purchase

Clari Circle

  • Community, University and Knowledge Base Access
  • Branded Hubs
  • None
  • None
  • Customized

4. General Provisions

4.1 Maintenance. To ensure optimal performance of the Services, Clari performs periodic Maintenance. In most cases, Maintenance will have limited or no negative impact on the availability and functionality of the Services. If Clari expects planned Maintenance to negatively affect the availability or functionality of the Services, Clari will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide at least seven days' advance notice of the Maintenance.

4.2 Term of Support. Clari will only provide the support services described in this Support Policy during Customer's applicable Subscription Term and will have no obligation to provide any support services to Customer after the expiration or termination of such Subscription Term.

5. Exclusions

5.1 The following exclusions apply to Clari's provision of the support services under this Support Policy to the extent that an incident arises from: (i) Customer's use of the Services in breach of the Agreement or not as otherwise described in the Documentation; (ii) Customer's own infrastructure or equipment, or failure of Customer's network connection; (iii) events outside of Clari's reasonable control, including force majeure events or systemic Internet failures; or (iv) any third-party services, systems, platforms, technology, etc.

6. Definitions

For the purpose of this Support Policy, the capitalized terms below will have the following meanings:

6.1 "Designated Support Contact(s)" means the contact person(s) designated by Customer to communicate with Clari for purposes of receiving support services under the Agreement (please contact your Clari Administrator to set up or update your Designated Support Contact).

6.2 "Maintenance" means maintenance work that is performed on hardware or software delivering the Services.